@article{oai:meilib.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000724, author = {小林, 太}, journal = {比較文化, Comparative culture, the journal of Miyazaki International College}, month = {}, note = {This study investigated the effectiveness of gratitude-listing interventions with two different timings, each with the same amount of practice (i.e., once a day for six days for a total of six times vs. once a week for five weeks for a total of six times) regarding subjective well-being. Seventy-five participants were randomly assigned to one of three conditions (i.e., listing three things for which they felt gratitude toward their parent(s) every day during six days for a total of six times, or once a week during five weeks for a total of six times, or no treatment). Results provided empirical evidence of effectiveness of the condensed gratitude listing practice (i.e., every day during six days for a total of six times) for subjective happiness and of effectiveness of the spaced-apart gratitude listing practice (i.e., once a week during five weeks for a total of six times) for affect balance compared with the measurement-only control group. Further studies are needed to investigate this issue more thoroughly.}, pages = {2--21}, title = {Timing Effects of Listing Gratitude toward One's Parent(s) on Subjective Well-Being in Japanese Under graduate Student}, volume = {22}, year = {2017} }