@article{oai:meilib.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000492, author = {Murray, Adam}, journal = {宮崎国際大学, Comparative culture, the journal of Miyazaki International College}, month = {}, note = {Based on previous research that demonstrated the affective response of students to blogs in the foreign language classroom (Armstrong & Retterer, 2008; Ducate & Lumicka, 2008; Sun, 2010) and a preference over traditional writing assignments (Lee, 2010), the author has been using blogs in his EFL classes in Japan since 2007. In this paper, the author reports on four versions of the blog assignment with the latest iteration being a tandem blog project with an American public university. The students involved in the project enjoyed having the opportunity to hone their writing skills while engaged in authentic communication with native speakers of English. Despite some shortcomings, tandem blogs can be an excellent alternative to traditional writing assignments. An earlier version of this article was presented at the World Congress of Modern Languages, Niagara Falls, Canada in March 2015.}, pages = {55--66}, title = {Blogs for Writing Instruction}, volume = {20}, year = {2015} }