@article{oai:meilib.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000431, author = {笠井, 千勢}, journal = {比較文化, Comparative culture, the journal of Miyazaki International College}, month = {}, note = {1967年にLennebergによって臨界期説が提唱されて以来、多岐の分野において年齢と学習能力の関係について様々な研究が続けられている。言語学においても第二言語習得に最も適した年齢が存在するのか、そしてそれはいつなのか常に研究報告がなされている。一般的には子供と大人を比較した場合、子供のほうが第二言語を習得する上で有利であるという見解がされがちである。しかし現在までに「子供」「青年」「大人」それぞれが第二言語習得に有利であるという研究結果が出されていることはあまり注目されていない。そこで本論文はこの三つの年齢層が有利であるというそれぞれの議論を分析しまとめた。, It has been said that age has an effect upon second language acquisitionNthe so-called Oage effectO. The original notion derives from the Critical Period Hypothesis proposed by Lenneberg (1967) which claims that there is a period in oneOs life when language is learned in the most effective way. Since the proposal was made a great deal of research has been carried out in the areas of both first and second language acquisition. For second language acquisition, research tends to centre around immigrants, and compares the different learning patterns of children and adults (e.g. Asher & Garcia, 1968, Patkowski, 1980, DeKeyser, 2000). The above studies claim that children are better learners than adults in terms of achieving native-like proficiency, but there is contrary evidence showing that adolescents and adults can also achieve a high level of proficiency provided that instruction is given in a formal situation and the learners have a positive attitude towards learning the target language (e.g. Snow & Hoefnagel-H?hle, 1978, Asher & Price, 1967, Moyer, 1999, Bongaerts et al., 2000). This paper will introduce the previous studies of the age issue from three points of view, namely that children are the best learners, that adolescents are the best learners, and that adults are the best learners.}, pages = {61--77}, title = {文献研究 --年齢が第二言語習得に及ぼす影響--}, volume = {9}, year = {2003} }