@article{oai:meilib.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000369, author = {鈴木, 順和 and 原崎, 正司}, journal = {宮崎女子短期大学紀要, Bulletin of Miyazaki Women's Junior College}, month = {Mar}, note = {東教大式幼児運動能力検査の標準の改訂に伴い,宮崎県の幼児の運動能力の実態を調査した。宮崎市・郡の幼児が対象として選ばれ,市・郡の比較および宮崎と全国の比較が行われた。さらに,本検査の測定種目の1つである「連続跳び越し」の実施法について問題が提出されたので,測定方法自体についても検討した。その結果は,次のようなものであった。1)市・郡間において明らかに差がみられたのは,連続跳び越しだけであったが,種目ごとに一定の傾向がみられた。25m走・立ち幅跳び・連続跳び越しは市部の園児の方が優れ,ソフトボール投げ・体支持持続時間は郡部の園児が優れていた。2)全国との比較において,25m走で宮崎の子供が優れ,連続跳び越しで劣ることが示された。しかしながら,25m走については運動能力の差というより,測定方法の差によると考えられた。3)年長兄と年中元との比較では,性や地域を問わず年長兄が優れていたが,半年ごとの発達的変化をみると直線的ではなく,幼児の運動能力の発達には緩急があり,女児の方が早いことが示唆された。, The present research was conducted to investigate the motor fitness of preschoolers in Miyazaki. Subjects were 358 preschool children of Miyazaki City and Miyazaki District (Gun), who were administered the Preschool Motor Fitness Test made by Tokyo University of Education. The test consisted of five tasks : (1) 25m run (2) Standing long jump (3) Soft ball throw (4) Timed dipping (5) Beam cross jump. At first, the development of motor fitness was compared between the City and the District of Miyazaki. Results indicated that children of the City were superior to those of the District for 25m run, standing long jump and beam cross jump, whereas children of the District were superior for soft ball throw and timed dipping; however, significant differences were not found consistently except for beam cross jump. Next, the mean values of Miyazaki Prefecture were compared with those of Japan in 1986. Results indicated that preschoolers in Miyazaki were significantly superior for 25m run, and inferior for beam cross jump. And the result of a nationwide survey showed linear development of motor fitness, whereas the result in Miyazaki showed that the development of motor fitness was uneven, with fast terms and slow terms, and that girls developed faster than boys. Moreover, sex differences were found for 25m run, standing long jump and soft ball throw, and boys were superior to girls. These results suggest that the region, age and sex differences in development of motor fitness are influenced by motor fitness factors based on each task ; and that the tasks requiring coordination, such as agility and dexterity, are influenced by experience and circumstances, but the tasks requiring muscular power are not.}, pages = {95--106}, title = {宮崎県の幼児の運動能力に関する調査 : 1986年全国調査との比較}, volume = {15}, year = {1989} }