@article{oai:meilib.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000322, author = {栗山, 和広}, journal = {宮崎女子短期大学紀要, Bulletin of Miyazaki Women's Junior College}, month = {Mar}, note = {Representation of preschool children's number concepts was investigated in the present study. They were given resolution problem tasks. Children were asked to resolve a number into X to Y in using concrete materials. Analyzing children's strategies in dealing with concrete materials, it was shown that children adopted different strategies for counting objects. When dealing with numbers over 5,the children counted the objects directly to 5 and 1 by 1 for the remaining numbers over 5. This result suggested that preschool children may represent numbers 1 to 5 as a privileged anchor or firm structure. The structure of preschool children's number concepts was discussed in terms of procedual knowledge and conceptual knowledge., Representation of preschool children's number concepts was investigated in the present study. They were given resolution problem tasks. Children were asked to resolve a number into X to Y in using concrete materials. Analyzing children's strategies in dealing with concrete materials, it was shown that children adopted different strategies for counting objects. When dealing with numbers over 5,the children counted the objects directly to 5 and 1 by 1 for the remaining numbers over 5. This result suggested that preschool children may represent numbers 1 to 5 as a privileged anchor or firm structure. The structure of preschool children's number concepts was discussed in terms of procedual knowledge and conceptual knowledge.}, pages = {75--83}, title = {<論文>幼児の数表象の構造 : 5歳児の具体物を用いた分解課題の方略分析}, volume = {19}, year = {1993} }